If your card was active but has stopped working, you may have reached your credit limit. If so, send us a secure message through online banking and we'll find out what's happened. If your card is damaged or faulty, you may not be able to use it to make payments or at an ATM. Drop us a secure message and we will send you out a replacement.
Your card may also stop working temporarily. To protect your credit card account from fraud, we may temporarily block it if we detect unusual activity. If you're trying to use your card outside the UK (not including the EU or Turkey) and haven't let us know of your travel plans, we may temporarily block the account.
Problems with credit card processing facilities may also cause your card to stop working. Check with the retailer if you're having trouble.
Entering your PIN incorrectly may also cause your card to stop working. If you forget your PIN you can request a replacement using our automated menu by calling 0345 600 6000, or +44 (0)345 600 6000 if calling from outside the UK (Call Charges).